BIAchip™ Platform
Intermolecular interaction analysis, especially protein-related interaction analysis, plays an important role in basic scientific research and drug development. Nowadays, Biacore based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has gradually become a hot spot in the field of analysis and detection, because it is no-labeling and can quantify a variety of quantifiable affinity data through real-time monitoring in a single testing.
As the most important part of Biacore, the sensor chip determines the sensitivity, throughput and accuracy of the non-labeled detection process. BIAchip™ platform greatly improves the sensitivity of this way by transforming the traditional manufacturing process of sensor chips and using nano-level coatings to achieve high-throughput and high-precision detection.
How Does
Biacore Work?

Biacore is mainly composed of SPR system, sensor chip and microfluidic system. In the analysis process, a molecule is fixed on the surface of the sensor chip as a ligand, and then another biomolecule is introduced through the microfluidic system. The combination of biomolecules will cause an increase in the surface quality of the sensor chip, resulting in a change in the refractive index. Finally, through conversion, real-time monitoring of the dynamic process of molecular interactions without labels is realized. BIAchip™ is mainly responsible for the production and application of innovative high-throughput sensor chips.
How Does
BIAchip™ Work?

The nano-scale coating is the most unique and indispensable part of the sensor chip. Through the unique nano surface technology, the technology platform can customize sensor chips for detecting different types of functions as required. Compared with the traditional interaction detection chip, the technology platform based on nano-scale coating has unique advantages.
Advantages of BIAchip™ Platform
- High-throughput
- High-sensitivity
- High-precision
- High-selectivity
- Reusable
Based on the Above Mechanisms and Advantages of BIAchip™ Platform, BIAchip™ Can Be Customized for Many Types of Applications in All Aspects of Basic Research.

Chip Categories
- Protein-protein Interaction Chip
- Protein-DNA Interaction Chip
- Protein-lipid Interaction Chip
- Protein-small Molecule Interaction Chip
- Enzyme-substrate Interaction Chip
- Antigen-antibody Interaction Chip

Basic Applications
- Specificity Analysis
- Multiple Binding Analysis
- Concentration Analysis
- Affinity Analysis
- Kinetic Analysis
- Thermodynamics Analysis